
Secondary Books on Ellul

In English (partial list)

Christians, Clifford G., and Jay M. Van Hook, ed. Jacques Ellul: Interpretive Essays. University of Illinois Press, 1981.

Clendenin, Daniel B. “Theological Method in Jacques Ellul.” University Press of America, 1987.

Fasching, Darrell J. The Thought of Jacques Ellul: A Systematic Exposition. Edwin Mellen, 1981.

Gill, David W. The Word of God in the Ethics of Jacques Ellul. Scarecrow Press, 1984.

Goddard, Andrew. Living the Word, Resisting the World: The Life and Thought of Jacques Ellul. Paternoster, 2002.

Greenman, Jeffrey P., Read Mercer Schuchardt, and Noah J. Toly. Understanding Jacques Ellul. Cascade, 2012.

Hanks, Joyce Main, ed. The Reception of Jacques Ellul’s Critique of Technology: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings on His Life and Thought (Books, Articles, Reviews, Symposia). Edwin Mellen, 2007.

Holloway, James Y., ed. Introducing Jacques Ellul. Eerdmans, 1970. (Includes articles by Gabriel Vahanian, William Stringfellow, Christopher Lasch, and six others.)

Lovekin, David. Technique, Discourse, and Consciousness: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Jacques Ellul. Associated University Press, 1991.

Mitcham, Carl, Helena M. Jerónimo, and José Luís Garcia, ed. Jacques Ellul and the Technological System in the 21st Century. Springer, 2012.

Shaw, Jeffrey M. Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition. Pickwick Publications, 2014.

Terlizzese, Lawrence J. Hope in the Thought of Jacques Ellul. Cascade, 2005.

Van Vleet, Jacob E. Dialectical Theology and Jacques Ellul: An Introductory Exposition. Fortress Press, 2014.

In French (partial list)

Chastenet, Patrick. Lire Ellul: introduction à l’oeuvre socio-politique de Jacques Ellul, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 1992.

Latouche, Serge. Jacques Ellul: Contre le totalitarisme technicien. Le Passager Clandestin, 2013.

Porquet, Jean-Luc. Jacques Ellul: l’homme qui avait (presque) tout prévu. Le Cherche Midi, 2003/2012.

Rognon, Frederic. Jacques Ellul: Une pensée en dialogue. Labor et Fides, 2007.

Rognon, Frederic, ed. Générations Ellul: Soixante héritiers de la pensée de Jacques Ellul, Labor et Fides, 2012.

Troude-Chastenet, Patrick. Lire Ellul: introduction a l’oeuvre socio-politique de Jacques Ellul. Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 1992.

Troude-Chastenet, Patrick, ed. Sur Jacques Ellul. L’Esprit du Temps, 1994.

Troude-Chastenet, Patrick, ed. Jacques Ellul: penseur sans frontiers. L’Esprit du temps, 2005.