
2022 Strasbourg Conference Papers


View the complete 3-day program:

Programme Colloque Ellul janvier 2022 Updated

L’éthique de Jacques Ellul et de Bernard Charbonneau
à l’heure des défis écologiques et technologiques

The Ethics of Jacques Ellul and Bernard Charbonneau in
an age of Ecological and Technological Challenge

Colloque Strasbourg, 2022

Listen to 17 video recordings of presentations.

(merci, Jerome Ellul, for the camera work!)


Témoignage de Jean Hertz – Jacques Ellul, ce Juste qui a sauvé ma famille  (En Français, avec Daniel Cérézuelle)
Le conférencier spécial Jean Hertz, un homme juif dont les parents ont été sauvés par Jacques Ellul à l’époque de la Résistance Français, a exprimé sa gratitude et a raconté l’histoire de l’aide apportée par Ellul et la tante de Daniel Cérézuelle.

Special speaker Jean Hertz, a Jewish man whose parents were saved by Jacques Ellul during the time of the French Resistance, expressed his gratitude and told the story of aid provided by Ellul and others, including Daniel Cérézuelle’s aunt.


Frédéric Rognon : “Réception et recomposition de l’éthique kierkegaardienne chez Jacques Ellul et Bernard Charbonneau”    Communication JE-BC-SK+


Jean-Sébastien Ingrand : Bernard Charbonneau et Jacques Ellul, une pensée commune unie par une éthique spirituelle de la vie  Ingrand Charbonneau et Ellul.docx


Stéphane Lavignotte : L’idée de la nature, force réactionnaire? Conséquences éthiques du sens du terme « nature » chez Ellul et Charbonneau, pour ne pas se tromper d’écologie.   texte La nature chez Ellul et Charbonneau   


In English

Jake Marques Rollison :  Space, Time and Death in the Ethics of Ellul and Charbonneau (Brief introduction in French; main presentation in English)


Chad Elwell :  No (Educational) Technique is Possible When Students Are Free: Ellulian Thought And Practice In The Classroom


Mark Honegger : A Comparison of Edward Hall’s Triad and
Jacques Ellul’s Technique  Paper on Edward Hall and Jacques Ellul

This paper discusses the anthropologist Edward Hall’s proposal that culture consists of three levels–formal, informal and technical–in order to elaborate on Ellul’s discussion of technique and ethics.


Michael Morelli : Living soil anthropology and ethics: reading Jacques Ellul’s interpretations of Genesis 1-3
as resistance to ecological plunder and devastation
Living Soil Anthropology and Ethics Paper

This essay examines the finer grains of Ellul’s resistance to damaging interpretations and applications of Genesis 1 and 2 to develop a theological anthropology and ethic of living soil; an anthropology and ethic derived from Ellul’s work that can cultivate a reckoning with creaturely existence in a creation made and sustained by a free and loving Creator, and generate constructive actions from this reckoning.


Virginia Landgraf :  Jacques Ellul and the Ethics of Economic Growth, with Special Reference to Data Creation  Ellul and Economic Growth paper.docx

In this paper, Landgraf explores the implications of “data-mining” as a form of resource extraction within capitalistic society, contrasting this to non-extractive forms of culture that are more sustainable.

View her PowerPoint presentation (from March 11)  Ellul and Economic Growth slides