Sister Society: Association Internationale Jacques Ellul
Walter Brueggemann, The Ancient Conflict Between Techne and Metis – Full Paper. The Ancient Conflict Between Techn and Metis (Abstract). As preparation, read II Kings 4:1-7, 5:1-27, 6:8-23, and 6:24-7:20.
David Gill, Scripture and Word in Ellul’s Writings
Christian Roy, Nature and Scripture in Bernard Charbonneau’s The Green Light
Frédéric Rognon, The “Analogy of Faith”: What does it mean? Why, and what for?
Albert Moritz, Jacques Ellul’s Apocalypse in Poetry and Exegesis
Andrew Goddard, The Politics of Samuel and the Politics of Ellul
Daniel Cérézuelle, The Sense of Incarnation in Ellul and Charbonneau
Craig Gay, Jacques Ellul, “La Technique,” and the “Indispensable Liberation of the Person of Our Times”
Jake Rollison, God’s Time – Kierkegaard, Qohelet, and Ellul’s Reading of Ecclesiastes
Greg Wagenfuhr, Freedom and Exodus, Ellul and N.T. Wright
Michael Morelli, The First Propaganda Campaign and the Origins of La Technologie (Genesis 3)
Ginny Landgraf, Ellul and the Ten Commandments Keeping Reality Open to Truth
Luiz Adriano Borges, Babel – The City of Man and the Technological Paradox
Jeff Greenman, Ellul’s Biblical Theology of Israel – Key Ideas and Main Themes (Romans 9-11)
Stephanie Bennett, Living Faith: Revelation and Religion in the Thinking of Jacques Ellul
Elisabetta Ribet, Hope & Abandonment in the Bible
Naomi Stafford, Can Ellul’s City be Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable?
Kelsey L. Haskett, Ellul’s City in Scripture and Poetry
Elizabeth Sanderson, Cain, Power, Efficiency, and the City
Jeff Appel, Sign, Structure, and (Christ) Event – Illuminating Ellul’s Anarchic Hermenuetics
Ted Lewis, The False Ascendency of Technicity – A Review of Ellul’s Treatment of the Tower of Babel
“I’m glad that all of my footnotes do not have to be in perfect order!”