
2024 Chicago Conference Papers

Jacques Ellul & the 21st Century Technological Society

Alexander, Jennifer Karns, Ellul and the post-efficiency landscape of AI

Anyanwu, Ugochukwu Stophynus, Jacques Ellul and Arnold Gehlen on the Anthropology of the Natural and Artificial in Technological (Re)Imaging of the Human Being

Cérézuelle, Daniel, Organization as Technique

Charles, J. Daryl, Ellul on Ethics: A Philosophical-Theological Critique

Chastenet, Patrick, Tool & Technology: A Comparative Reading of Illich & Ellul on Technique — English version

Chastenet, Patrick, Tool & Technology: A Comparative Reading of Illich & Ellul on Technique — French version

Deyton, Elijah Byrd, Technical Theology: Francisco de Vitoria and the Violence of Efficient Conversion

Dorn, Brandon, Ghost in the Machine

Fallon, Peter K., The Rise of Neoliberal Techniques in US Higher Education: An Ellulian Analysis

Forsberg, Geraldine E., Being Human in the Technological Society

Gill, David, The End of Technicized Work

Heckman, Davin, Smartness and the Technological Society

Hill, Doug, From the Iron Cage to the Technological Society

Honegger, Money as Technique: What Happens to Our Humanity?

Littlehale, Community

Lovekin, David, The True is Made and the Not Made

Marques-Rollison, Jacob, Technological Morality vs. The Ethics of Freedom (draft)

McIntyre, Justine, Ode to Joy: Technique’s lure of satiety, Nature’s promise of sufficiency

Mitcham, Carl, La Technique/Technology: Revisiting Ellul’s Concept

Morelli, Michael, Eppur si muove (and yet it moves): revisiting Jacques Ellul’s thesis in The Technological Society and a critical, hopeful consideration of what’s ahead

Morris, Ken, The Technicization of Justice, Law, and Legal Practice

Nordenhaug, Erik, Technological Agency and Dialectical Freedom

Proctor, Luke, The Technological Church

Ribet, Elisabetta, When Technique Meets the State, A Theological Reading of Propaganda Dynamics: Updated Perspectives for our Time

Rognon, Frédéric, Theology of Technique

Roy, Christian, Beyond Ellul’s Technique: Science as Ultima Ratio according to Bernard Charbonneau

Samalavičius, Almantas, From Technological Optimism to Exegesis: Ellul, Mumford and Fuller

Song, Felicia, Ellul’s Ethics of Non-Power in a Digital World of Technique and Productivity

Steinbach, Kenneth, I Love Only You (art installation)

Sun, Yanyu, Dialogues with Chinese Ancient Technology: The Exception of the Technical Theory of Ellul

Winner, Langdon, Effective Resistance to Technology: Does Ellul Exclude Its Possibility?

Younés, Samir, Art and A.I.